When you are a beader you dream about thread paths...

When ever I want to make a multi strand necklace I am always looking to design ways to connect the strands. This week I was dreaming about the thread paths to connect my ropes of Ndebele necklace.

In the past I have created caps like the one below:

And below I connected the strands with two bars of Tubular Peyote:

This time I came up with a way to connect the Tubular Ndebele ropes into one rope. The process looks like this: 

I started out with a row of latter stitch, and then connected it into a ring. I continued normally with a four drop Ndebele passing around twice times. I then add one more row and closing off each three columns of one color and attach each of the coordinating ropes.  

A Chilly Afternoon

I spent a chilly afternoon with my family beading in front of the fire and listening to my brother Matthew practice for Battle of the Bands on the piano. It was just one of those moments where you could not feel more happy, and peaceful. 

And how can I miss a chance to share a photo of my favorite little snuggle pup.