If you are entering graduate school in New York for your initial teaching certification and you school did not originally require the GRE you are probably getting an email about now. It says surprise New York State just passed a law saying that if you want to be a teacher and get certified in graduate school you need to take the GRE and submit your scores before you start school!
This requirement is a formality. As of right now these scores do not matter you just need to sit for the test and have the score recored. However, if your program did not originally require this test there was probably a reason for it. For example, your program is Art Education. Lots of people entering this program probably went to Art School for their undergraduate program. Testing their math and reading comprehension skills is not necessarily the best way to find out if they will be good art teachers. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.
But at the end of the day, I want to be a teacher in New York State. So through the hoop I go.